Baris Budak

  • Shot of David L Lawrence Convention Center and surrounding area, a popular destination for conventions in Pittsburgh | Pizza Parma

    Tips for Attending Conventions in Pittsburgh

    Welcome to Pittsburgh! We’re so glad you’re here! Our bustling downtown area plays host to a lot of conferences and conventions throughout the year and that means a lot of guests like you. If you’ve never attended conventions in Pittsburgh before, a little info before you arrive can go a long way. Here are few…

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  • Woman with slice of pizza in from of the Roman Colosseum | Pizza Parma Pittsburgh

    Weird Pizzas from Around the World

    You don’t have to go to Italy to find tasty pizza, there are plenty of strange and exotic pies found in any corner of the world. From unconventional cooking methods to some truly bizarre toppings, every culture seems to have a pretty different take on what makes for a truly tasty pizza. Here are just…

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  • Pizza is one of many great Valentines Day ideas in Pittsburgh | Pizza Parma

    Low Key Valentine’s Day Ideas in Pittsburgh

    Let’s be real, Valentine’s Day can be one of the most stressful days of the year. There are so many expectations to plan the perfect date for your special someone. Between the gifts, flowers and dinner reservations, the whole thing turns into one big headache. But what if it didn’t have to be that way?…

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  • Incline with Pittsburgh in the background | Pizza Parma Pittsburgh

    Fun Winter Activities in Pittsburgh

    Well, it’s January again. That means we’ve made it to full-on Pittsburgh winter. With chilly temperatures and all the snow and slush, getting out of the house isn’t at the top of everyone’s to-do list. But let’s be honest, it’s only a matter of time before the cabin fever sets in. Whether you’re a life-long…

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  • Eat Healthy Pizza to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

    So many of us love pizza, that 94% of Americans eat it on a regular basis. With the new year in full swing, health is a priority and it’s on everybody’s mind. But don’t despair, friends. You can eat healthy without having to remove the occasional slice or two from your diet. Here are some…

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  • Difference Between Stromboli and Calzone | Pizza Parma

    What’s the Difference Between a Calzone and Stromboli?

    Everyone loves pizza, but how many of you have ever tried a stromboli or a calzone? We believe these foods need their chance to shine, but not many people actually know the difference between a calzone and stromboli. Pizza Parma is here to fix that. Continue reading to better understand what these dishes are.

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  • Ways to Enjoy Leftover Pizza | Pizza Parma

    Three Ways to Enjoy Leftover Pizza

    Cold from the fridge or zapped in the microwave, there are only a few ways to enjoy leftover pizza, right? You’d be surprised how creative you can get with these cheesy leftovers, from the way you reheat it to totally new entrees you’ll wish you’d thought of sooner.  

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  • Ways to Eat Pizza | Pizza Parma

    The Different Ways You Can Eat a Slice

    It’s fair to say that pizza is a pretty universally-loved food. However, that doesn’t mean we all consume those tasty slices the same way. As a pizza restaurant, we have seen plenty of the different ways people enjoy their pizza. That being said, read on as we break down the three most popular ways people…

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  • Finer Foods | Pizza Parma

    Why Finger Foods are the Best for Your Party

    Parties are the best. Not only do they allow you to let loose and relax, but they are the perfect opportunity to create cherished memories with your family and friends. However, when you are in charge of the planning, things can get stressful. This is especially true when it comes to choosing the food. For…

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  • Finer Foods | Pizza Parma

    Different Ways You Can Eat a Slice

    It’s fair to say that pizza is a pretty universally-loved food. However, that doesn’t mean we all consume those tasty slices the same way. As a pizza restaurant, we have seen plenty of the different ways people enjoy their pizza. That being said, keep reading below as we break down the three most popular ways…

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