3 Show-Stopping Pasta Party Ideas

The weather is getting cooler and the holidays are almost upon us! That means more excuses to entertain and cook for guests. Pasta can be an easy and cheap way of feeding your guests this holiday season! What to add some extra pizzazz to your parties this year? You can always contact Pizza Parma to get quality catering service. Or, if you’re feeling more creative, read below to learn more about some show-stopping pasta party ideas!

Greek Pasta Salad

This light and veggie filled pasta salad is a perfect side dish to any family barbecue or party. Start by cooking your favorite brand of bowtie pasta to al dente. One the pasta is drained, it will be time to make the dressing! Mix together 1/4 c. Olive oil, 2 tbsp’s red wine vinegar, herbs de Provence, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes for the dressing. Toss pasta in the dressing and season to taste with extra salt and pepper. Add in a healthy dose of chopped tomatoes, kalamata olives, feta cheese, cucumbers, and the juice of half a lemon. This healthy and delicious greek pasta salad will be sure to please! Not quite your style? Choose from our generous selection of pastas!

Veggie Lasagna

Lasagna is always a crowd favorite! However, sometimes can be a bit heavy on the cheese and greasy. This easy recipe involves swapping out half of the pasta noodles with zucchini or eggplant. Not only will your guests delight in one of their pasta favorites, but feel good eating something healthy! Find your favorite lasagna recipe, and simply swap out half the noodles for a vegetable that is in season and slice lengthwise to layer in between the ricotta cheese, noodles and sauce.

Creamy Pesto and Shrimp Pasta

Seafood and pasta go together like no other! Maybe you tried our crab ravioli, and decided that you just can’t get enough of the combo. To make this delicious and decadent creamy pasta dish, simply start with cooking peeled and deveined shrimp in butter in a frying pan. Cook until shrimp have turned bright pink. While cooking the shrimp, bring water to a boil for the pasta. Cooking angel hair pasta to al dente according to instructions. Once pasta and shrimp are done, combine in pan; adding chopped garlic, salt, pepper, lemon zest, 1/4 c. Heavy cream, and 1/4 c. pesto. That is all there is to it! This delicious and creamy recipe comes together in no time!

Contact Us

Contact Pizza Parma today for more delicious recipes and to learn more about our diverse pasta menu! We proudly provide the best pizza and pasta in the Pittsburgh area.